The switchable heat pump (heating mode / cooling mode) is a very compact unit with integrated DDC (plug-and-play) and suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

Die umschaltbare Wärmepumpe (heizen / kühlen) mit integriertem Schaltschrank und Regelung

Using scroll compressors by varying compressor speed through an inverter, the technical components are installed in a from air flow separated part of the casing. The application in an air handling unit is connected to all kinds of heat recovery, e.g., a rotary wheel, a plate heat exchanger as well as a run around coil system.

The free configurable casing can be delivered in galvanized steel, in aluminium alloy or in stainless steel. The elimination of an external unit and the piping onsite, the use of Rox heat pump help to minimize interfaces and generate advantages. Onsite you only need to connect the air pipe system and the electrical connection. Using EC-technology and bypasses at the intern condenser (1/2) and the intern evaporator (1/2), you ensure an energy efficient operation.

Our competent team will be pleased to offer you an individual advice.

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